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Adventure par Mind Map: Adventure

1. Feeling of being away from reality

1.1. Island

1.1.1. Islands are sometimes seen as places of paradise, a place to venture to get away from reality, especially if it is a non-inhabited island. The prospect of an unexplored island can fill someone with a thrill of finding new things/information. This feeling fuels us to want to find out all we can about something, for it is new and needs to be understood. There is also the idea that anything can happen, even things somewhat magical or spiritual, because it is a place so far from the toil and ‘realism’ of reality.

1.2. Bird

1.2.1. From Cusimano’s definition, a bird can symbolize “the freedom from any earthly limitations”. Adventures do not necessarily have to be taken with absolutely no connection to the earth, but it is the idea of going and doing something most people do not partake in. These people being a part of a ‘reality’ where one does not take random left turns when everyone else is going right. Birds oftentimes can represent this idea of taking off and being able to go to places that normally are unreachable, which could be as if leaving reality for something new and different from reality. (

2. Journey

2.1. Stairs

2.1.1. The concept or idea of the endless staircase can be considered a journey, especially if one is walking up and sees no end in sight. Adventures oftentimes are about the journey, not necessarily the destination, so the walk up a flight a stairs, or standing at the bottom of the stairs and looking up both reflect the ideas of a journey being taken or about to be taken. As with many journeys there may be toils, like the fact that one may become tired or hopeless is they continuously walk up, but the drive to see and know will keep someone moving. The whole start of this journey could have been stemmed from a simple want to go on an adventure.

2.2. Train/Ship

2.2.1. Both connect to the idea of taking a journey. Ships, before the train came into existence, were the main mode of transportation for people wanting to find new places or to reach new or familiar lands. The voyages taken on ships have been a key theme in many novels and real life adventures: pirates, cruise ships, war ships, or trade ships all experience something along the way. The train is also known for transportation and is used often to symbolize the trek or journey from somewhere to somewhere. The two modes of transportation can be boarded upon either through force or through one’s own choice, changing the context and emotion behind the journey. (

2.3. Sun

2.3.1. The idea of the adventure/journey is not marked with a time limit. They can take up as little time, or an infinite about of time. The sun can be seen as a symbol of time, or the passage of time. It can also be seen as the idea of a new day starting, as one day of a journey ends there is always the great thrill that tomorrow will bring new possibilities and a continuation of a journey. Deadlines can sometimes happen though, and the prospect of a new dawn and an end of a journey can turn the moment sad, though not all journeys are about sad endings, especially if someone is anticipation reaching somewhere.

3. Exploration

3.1. Binoculars

3.1.1. Objects or things that are far away can be easily seen using binoculars. The world that may be beyond our sight or may be far off can more easily be seen by using these. It is also the process of putting up the binoculars to our face, meaning that we have to take the initiative to see farther. It represents the ability to see into our future so to speak, so that we may gauge where our exploration or our adventure should go next. By opening up possibilities we are able to explore each one and contemplate a path.

3.2. Unlit Candle

3.2.1. The symbol of a lit candle symbolizes illumination and clearing the way, so by having it be an unlit candle it connects to the idea of the unknown. This does not necessarily have to be daunting or terrifying. Overall though it is still the idea that when one goes out on an adventure that the end or what is in store is sometimes an unknown. It could also be the idea that we have not found what we were looking for yet. The light has not been lite and so we must continue on, searching and exploring to find what it is that lights our understanding or to find what we were looking for or what we were going toward.

3.3. A Closed Door

3.3.1. This webpage expands upon the idea that there is a difference between open doors and closed doors. Having multiple closed doors represents that there are multiple possibilities to explore behind that door; one must just take the initiative to reach out and open them. This concept can also connect to the idea of the unknown, for we do not know what is behind closed doors. This emphasizes our need to explore even more for we are uncertain what lays beyond, but know that to move on we have to try out each one, for what if there is something better through another door? The adventure does not simply stop with one door. ( )