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Study Skills par Mind Map: Study Skills

1. Personal Development Skills

1.1. What is it?

1.1.1. Personal discipline, goal setting, management and organizational skills, self-monitoring and reinforcement, positive attitudes towards studying

1.2. Rationale

1.2.1. Students will be successful later in life and in their schooling if they can manage these things: you can enjoy your time more, you have more control of your life, you concentrate better and work towards goal, less procrastination

1.3. Strategies to Use

1.3.1. Self-Monitoring & Reinforcement 1.Make a list of goals 2. Arrange a plan for each goal 3. Run your plan for each goal 4. Keep records of your progress 5. Evaluate your progress towards each goal 6. Reward yourself when you reach your goal

1.3.2. Time Management & Scheduling 1. Determine how the students time is spent 2. Estimate how long it takes them to complete tasks 3. Schedule time to study 4. Monitor and use a to-do list

1.3.3. Classroom Participation 1. Sit up 2. Lean forward 3. Activate your thinking 4. Name key information 5. Track the talker

2. Process Skills

2.1. What is it?

2.1.1. Note taking, outlining, learning information from text, and research and library skills

2.2. Rationale

2.2.1. Helps students learn and remember the information more easily, increases student attention, and requires the student to think on a deeper level

2.3. Strategies to Use

2.3.1. Listening and take notes

2.3.2. Learning from the text: survey, question, read, recite, review

2.3.3. Multipass

3. Expression Skills

3.1. What is it?

3.1.1. Remembering and demonstrating learning

3.2. Rationale

3.2.1. It's important to be able to remember things because it is an everyday function of life that is required to complete the daily tasks

3.3. Strategies to use

3.3.1. First letter mnemonic strategy 1. Look for clues 2. investigate the items 3. select a mnemonic device 4. transfer the information to a card 5. self-test

3.3.2. Visualization and Key-Word Method students construct a picture that represents what they want to remember

3.3.3. Verbal Rehersal Repeat the information aloud to to yourself

3.3.4. General Memory Strategies Categorize the words into a list and use acronyms to remember the words