Cameron Highlands

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Cameron Highlands par Mind Map: Cameron Highlands

1. Attractions / What are the places one can go?

1.1. Tea plantation

1.2. Strawberry Farms

1.3. Vegetable Farms

1.4. Museums & Galleries

1.5. Flower Nurseries

1.6. Markets

1.7. Honey Bee Farms

1.8. Butterfly Centres

2. Past News / Has anything interesting or strange happen there before?

2.1. History

3. weather/ what is the weather like?

3.1. temperature climate from 14 to 28 degree Celsius

3.2. the coolest time is from Dec to Feb

3.3. the monsoon season is from Nov to Feb (more rain)

3.4. dry season is from Feb - Apr

4. Accommodation/ Where can one stay? Are there many different types to choose from?

4.1. hotels

4.2. apartments

4.3. chalets

4.4. bungalows

5. Food / What kind of food can be found there? What is the best?

5.1. Tea

5.2. Scorn

5.3. Asam Fish

5.4. Nyonya food

5.5. Chinese food