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1. Méronymes

1.1. Flower.n.02

1.1.1. floral leaf, stamen, pistil, ovary, perianth, carpel

2. Hyponymes

2.1. tulip, daisy, rose, geranium

3. Hyperonymes

3.1. angiosperm

3.1.1. entity, physical entity, object, whole, leaving thing, organism, plant, vascular plant, spermatophyte, flower

4. Synonymes

4.1. Flower.n.01

4.2. Flower.n.02

4.2.1. bloom, blossom

4.3. Flower.n.03

4.3.1. prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush

4.4. Bloom.v.01

4.4.1. blossom, flower

5. Définitions

5.1. Flower.01

5.1.1. "a plant cultivated for its blooms or bloosoms"

5.2. Flower.n.02

5.2.1. "reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially on having showy or colorful parts"

5.3. Flower.n.03

5.3.1. "the period of greatest prosperity or productivity"

5.4. Bloom.v.01

5.4.1. "produce or yield flowers"

5.4.2. Ex : The cherry tree bloomed.

6. ALBERT Myriam, SASSI Nina