12.1 Attending meetings

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12.1 Attending meetings par Mind Map: 12.1 Attending meetings

1. useful language

1.1. where are we going to hold the meeting?

1.2. I missed the last meeting.

2. Agenda

2.1. Meeting agenda

2.2. Date

2.3. Time

2.4. Location

2.5. Participants

2.6. Chairperson

2.7. Items

3. vocabulary

3.1. apologies

3.2. attend

3.3. called

3.4. chair

3.5. circulated

3.6. hold

3.7. item

3.8. minutes

3.9. take

4. Grammar

4.1. Time clauses

4.2. I'll call you when I get to tha station

4.3. We won't wait until everyone is here