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FROG par Mind Map: FROG

1. Frog n°2 (n) : a person of French descent

1.1. Synonym

1.1.1. Gaul

1.2. Direct hypernym

1.2.1. Frenchman

1.2.2. Frenchwoman

1.2.3. French person

1.3. Derivationally related form

1.3.1. Gallia (adj)

2. Frog n°1 (n) : Any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians

2.1. Synonym

2.1.1. Toad

2.1.2. Road frog

2.1.3. Batrachian

2.2. Direct hyponym

2.2.1. True frog (n)

2.2.2. Ranid (n)

2.2.3. Robber frog (n)

2.3. Direct hypernym

2.3.1. Amphibien (n)

2.4. Derivationally related form

2.4.1. Frog (v)

2.4.2. Anuran (adj)

2.4.3. Batrachian (adj)

3. Frog n°3 (n) : a decorative loop of braid or cord

3.1. Direct hypernym

3.1.1. Adornment (n)

4. Frog n°4 (v) : hunt frogs for food

4.1. Direct hypernym

4.1.1. Capture (v)

4.1.2. Catch (v)

4.2. Derivationally related form

4.2.1. Frog (n) [Relate to Frog]

4.3. Sentence form

4.3.1. Sombody FROGS something

5. JOANNY Anaïs