Plan for promoting the ELL Students

Plan for promoting the ELL Students in Social Inclusion, Understanding, & Mutual Respect.

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Plan for promoting the ELL Students par Mind Map: Plan for promoting the ELL Students

1. What

1.1. read

1.1.1. sounds of english

1.1.2. essential Phrases

1.1.3. audio visual

1.1.4. practice sounds

1.2. speak

1.2.1. Interacting

1.2.2. Activities that Promote Speaking

1.2.3. Group Discussion

1.2.4. Filed study

1.3. write

1.3.1. writing activity

1.3.2. joy of writing

1.3.3. grade and praise

1.4. learn

1.4.1. reflecting other subjects

1.4.2. confidence increase

2. Why

2.1. To come out the silent stage of Ell

2.2. To improve confidence

2.3. To improve the learning

2.4. To appreciate diversity is good

2.5. To be good student

2.6. To be a good citizzen

3. when

3.1. All progress stages of Ell Study

3.1.1. Pre-production

3.1.2. Early production

3.1.3. Speech emergence

3.1.4. Intermediate fluency

3.1.5. Advanced Fluency

4. Who

4.1. whole class room

4.2. new students

5. Where

5.1. Class room

5.2. group activity out side class

5.3. field activity near school

6. How

6.1. Inside Class room

6.1.1. teacher guided class lessons

6.2. Outside Class room

6.3. Activitis with friends

6.4. Activitis with groups

6.5. Social activities.