Summary of basic from English

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Summary of basic from English par Mind Map: Summary of basic from English

1. Computo

1.1. Verbs

1.2. Importance of numbers

1.3. Greetings/Goodbye

1.4. Form of the verb be

1.5. Subject pronouns

1.6. Prepositions

1.7. Demonstrative pronouns

1.8. Words that help us ask questions

2. Computo

2.1. Time

2.2. Describe your city

2.3. Countries, nationalities and languages

2.4. Be or not be

2.5. Present progressive

2.6. Clothing

2.7. Possesive Adjetives

3. Computo

3.1. Family Members

3.2. Furniture & Appliance

3.3. Jobs