Although thousands of students thrive without the help of learning aids, many tools are available...

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Although thousands of students thrive without the help of learning aids, many tools are available to the online student to improve academic success through its dynamic learning which foster positive lessons. par Mind Map: Although thousands of students thrive without the help of learning aids, many tools are available to the online student to improve academic success through its dynamic learning which foster positive lessons.

1. Real time access to the internet offers versatile studying media.

1.1. Google docs is a great tool for students on the go, as it saves work as you go.

1.2. For fast flowing lessons Evernote allows students to capture ideas via photo, recording and notes.

2. Students are capable of establishing communication with peers and instructors.

2.1. Forums are effective pathways for fostering group communication and cohesion.

2.2. Video conferencing can allow multiple students to study together and work on projects.