Australian Curriculum: Design & Technology and Digital Technology

Task 1: Overview and summary of the Australian Curriculum: Design & Technologies / Digital Technologies

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Australian Curriculum: Design & Technology and Digital Technology par Mind Map: Australian Curriculum: Design & Technology and Digital Technology

1. Other learning areas

1.1. English

1.2. Maths

1.3. Science

1.4. History

1.5. Geography

1.6. The Arts

1.7. Health & Phys Ed

1.7.1. Food & nutrition

2. Digital Technology

2.1. Strands: Knowledge & Understandings

2.2. Strands: Processes & production skills

3. Technological Context

3.1. History and development of technologies

3.2. Social and economic background

3.3. Resources available and required

4. Educational and Curriculum context

4.1. National coordination

4.2. State based systems

4.3. State based adaptation

4.4. Multi-level administration (Govt, Cath. & Independent Schools

4.5. Political and social agendas

5. Glossary

6. Cross-curricular Priorities

6.1. Aboriginal & Torres Strait History & Culture

6.2. Asian engagement

6.3. Sustainability

7. General Capabilities

7.1. Literacy

7.2. Numeracy

7.3. ICT capability

7.4. Critical & creative thinking

7.5. Personal & social capacity

7.6. Ethical understanding

7.7. Intercultural understanding

8. Design & Technology

8.1. Strands: Knowledge & Understandings

8.2. Strands: Processes & production skills

9. Student Diversity

9.1. Accomodate range of strengths, goals & interests

9.2. provide equitable options for students with disabilities

9.3. provide additional support for students with EAL/D

9.4. provide additional opportunities for G&T students

10. Bands

10.1. F-2

10.1.1. SCSA K

10.1.2. SCSA 1

10.1.3. SCSA 2

10.1.4. Relationship with EYLF & learning through play

10.2. 3-4

10.2.1. SCSA 3

10.2.2. SCSA 4

10.2.3. develop understanding of relationship to world

10.3. 5-6

10.3.1. SCSA 5

10.3.2. SCSA 5

10.3.3. develop understanding of relationship to world

10.4. 7-8

10.5. 9-10

10.6. Snr Sec.

10.7. Content Descriptions

10.7.1. Content elaborations

10.8. Achievement Standards

10.8.1. work samples TO BE DEVELOPED

11. Rationale

11.1. General Themes

11.1.1. Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Technologies

11.1.2. New ways of thinking,collaborating & communicating Systems thinking

11.1.3. using technology & resources to create innovative solutions to current & future needs

11.1.4. Evaluation of solutions equity ethical sustainability personal & social values

11.1.5. Range of technologies & domains

11.1.6. Project management planning evaluating constraints risk management decision making quality control resource management collaboration & communication

11.1.7. Integrated curriculum AND subject specific approaches

12. Aims

12.1. Creative, innovative & enterprising

12.2. Effective & Responsible

12.3. Critical & evaluative

12.4. Use systematic process

12.4.1. Investigate

12.4.2. Design

12.4.3. Plan

12.4.4. Manage

12.4.5. Create

12.4.6. Produce

12.4.7. Evaluate

12.5. Engage confidently

12.6. Make informed, ethical & sustainable decisions