English Reading

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English Reading par Mind Map: English Reading

1. Writer is Conveying a Message

1.1. All fiction and non-fiction books are written to tell a story.

1.2. Some writers are trying to bring about change.

1.3. Authors write about things that they feel strongly about.

2. Reading Comprehension

2.1. Understanding the author's message is important to understanding the book.

2.2. Reading gives people ideas to think about.

2.3. If people understand the main ideas they learn more from the book.

3. Get Into Reading

3.1. Commiting to reading daily increases reading skills.

3.2. Predicting what will happen next is a way to become more connected to the text.

3.3. Taking notes while reading can help people become more involved with the story.

4. Make the Story Your Own

4.1. If a person puts themself into the story they are more likely to enjoy it.

4.2. What people get out of a book depends on their views, beliefs, preconceptions, and understanding of the subject.

5. Finding the Main Idea

5.1. Figuring out why the writer wrote the book is crucial to understanding the text.

5.2. Gives the book a common goal and a purpose.