Open source
par pierre couturier

1. Logiciel libre
1.1. Free Libre Open Source System (FLOSS)
1.2. Open Office
1.2.1. Libre Office Document Fundation
1.2.2. Trade Mark / Oracle
1.3. VLC
1.4. My SQL
1.5. Fire fox
1.6. Work press
1.7. Webkit
1.8. Linux
1.9. drupal
2. Licences
2.1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
2.1.1. possible ownership
2.2. General Public Licence (GPL)
2.2.1. no possible ownership
2.2.2. Fork
3. Organisationnal principles
3.1. "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric Steven Raymond
3.2. Benevolent dictator
3.2.1. dries buytaert
3.2.2. linus torvalds
3.2.3. No coercive power
3.2.4. build vision
3.3. Coopetition ecosystem
3.3.1. Webkit Nokia Google Apple
3.4. Request For Comments (RFC)
3.5. Consensus
3.5.1. Action precedes discussion
3.5.2. decision on ongoing work
3.6. real time publication
3.7. community based
3.8. collective contribution
3.9. Do-ocratie VS Democratie
3.10. clear hierarchy
3.11. clear strong rules
3.11.1. wikipedia : neutral point of view
3.12. multi-level validation
4. Not technical exemples
4.1. Barcamp
4.2. Flicker
5. Iterative Methodologie
5.1. code access
5.2. code modification
5.3. new code distribution
5.3.1. patch
6. Technical principles
6.1. real time update
6.1.1. no release / versioning
6.2. infinite contributors number
6.2.1. no project structure
6.3. 3 roles to update
6.3.1. Contributor
6.3.2. Commiter
6.3.3. Maintener