Energy Inquiry

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Energy Inquiry par Mind Map: Energy Inquiry

1. What are the sources of energy?

1.1. Mechanical Energy

1.1.1. Is when it does the work for example, when the water turns the gears of a hydro plant.

1.2. Heat Energy

1.2.1. Is when motion or rise in temperature is caused by heat .

1.3. Chemical Energy

1.3.1. Is the chemical reaction causing transformation.

1.4. Electrical Energy

1.4.1. When energy is produced by an electrical current.

1.5. Gravitational Energy

1.5.1. Is where energy is caused by gravity.

2. What are the different types of energy?

2.1. Potential Energy

2.1.1. is stored or reserved.

2.2. Kinetic Energy

2.2.1. is energy in movement.