Is there a case for a Smoking License?

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Is there a case for a Smoking License? par Mind Map: Is there a case for a Smoking License?

1. Should there be a target audience?

1.1. Gender

1.2. Age

2. Socialisation

2.1. Habbit

2.2. Drinking

2.3. Peer pressure

3. Could there be other solutions?

3.1. Earlier intervention

3.2. Government

3.3. World Health Organisation

3.4. Quite smoking campaigns

3.4.1. Incentives to quite?

4. Goals

4.1. Minimise/Lower number of teenage smokers

4.2. Do other countries have a similar approach

4.3. Reduce statistics.

4.3.1. # of deaths caused by smoking related disease.

5. Problems - Health risk

5.1. To the smoker

5.2. To a passive smoker

5.3. Health Care system

6. Other Problems

7. Are you more likely to become a smoker if a close family member smokes?

7.1. Visualised from a young age

8. Will it cause more financial difficulty for smokers?

8.1. Will it be targeted at low, medium or heavy smokers?

8.1.1. Who determines the level?

8.2. More Doctors bills

8.3. Fee of the license