Local Babies: Chapters 2 & 3

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Local Babies: Chapters 2 & 3 par Mind Map: Local Babies: Chapters 2 & 3

1. Chapter 2: Class

1.1. The Coptic Merchants

1.1.1. Multiple factor infertility ICSI

1.1.2. Social pressure to procreate

1.2. The Enactment of Stratified

1.2.1. Economic constraints

1.3. The Public Private Divide

1.3.1. Third world government lack of financial support Muslim Middle East Comparison to Isreal

1.4. The Three Tiered System

1.4.1. Upper class

1.4.2. Educated middle class

1.4.3. Poorly paid low class

1.5. The Lower Class

1.5.1. Charity cases

1.5.2. Artificial insemination

1.5.3. IVF/ICSI -> Sell everything

1.6. The Middle Class

1.6.1. Unsteady growth in unstable economy

1.6.2. Repeated IVF, financially devastating

1.6.3. High education, low salary

1.6.4. Labor migration

1.7. The Upper Class

1.7.1. Test tube making only for the rich

1.7.2. Many women are career established

1.7.3. Still under the poverty line on the global scale

2. Chapter 3: Knowledge

2.1. The Oasis Dwellers

2.1.1. Lack of education results in weakness

2.1.2. Egyptian values: Children are required for a happy and fulfilled life

2.2. The Problem of Knowledge

2.2.1. Conflicting systems

2.2.2. Scientific literacy among countries

2.2.3. Egypt is a mass media society

2.2.4. "Desire to Know", sees no social class

2.3. Problems with Procreative Knowledge

2.3.1. Monogenetic and hegemonic values

2.3.2. Acceptance of male fertility New concept for many modern Egyptians

2.4. Morality and Scientific Literacy

2.4.1. The issue of procreation without sex Against Egyptian family values

2.4.2. Lack of knowledge and acceptance

2.5. Acquiring Scientific Literacy

2.5.1. Women becoming educated on topics

2.5.2. Men accepting new concepts

2.6. Path to knowledge

2.6.1. Books, doctors, peers

2.6.2. Class position is crucial for knowledge

2.7. Scientific Literacy in Mass-Mediated Society

2.7.1. Promotion of education

2.7.2. Global awareness