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Crime par Mind Map: Crime

1. Burglary: the crime of breaking into and entering the house, office, etc., of another to steal

2. Bank robbery: the act, practice, or instance of robbing a bank

3. Mugging: an assault or threat of violence upon a person, especially with intent to rob

4. Hijacking: to rob (a vehicle) after forcing it to stop

5. Murder: the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law

6. Piracy: practice of a pirate; robbery or illegal violence at sea.

7. Arson: the malicious burning of another's house or property, or in some statutes, the burning of one's own house or property, as to collect insurance.

8. Shoplifting: one who steals goods from a retail store while posing as a customer.

9. Pickpocket: a person who steals money, wallets, etc., from the pockets of people, as in crowded public places.

10. Drug dealing: It is the drug trade (i did my own definition)

11. Rape: the unlawful act of forcing (someone) to have sexual relations.