Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America par Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. African Presence in Latin America

1.1. The Myth or racial democracy in Brazil keeps the country from solving deeply embedded racial inequality.

1.1.1. Although the UNESCO study revealed racial discrimination, the underlying argument always reverts back to class and status.

1.1.2. There is no legal statement against racial discrimination Without bringing the problem into the light, it will never be solved Winant argues that race must be treated like the social construct it is in order to break from the deep rooted racism that influences policies. Institutions and Human Rights groups work to bring blacks into positions of power.

1.2. Africans imported into Mexico have made 5 centuries' worth of cultural contributions in Mexico

1.2.1. However, they lack any political or economic power, and are the bottom of the racial caste like system in Mexico They are not counted in censuses/stats They have no access to social services, including employment support, education, black history, health coverage, or food assistance. They are stereotypes as a "simple" people who live in a "different" manner than the rest of society.

2. Indigenous Presence in Latin America

2.1. The Free Trade Agreement privatized land in Latin America. The indigenous communities who relied on the land to survive saw a drastic decline in the amount of resources available.

2.1.1. Mexico: The EZLN resists the privatization of land by setting up autonomous communities. They deny government money and projects. The use of technology by the Zapatistas spread information and knowledge about the situation and sparks a global movement.

2.1.2. Mapuche Indians loose their ancestral lands to the privatization of land by the government. They protest the loss of their land and police brutality in front of a UNESCO office

2.1.3. The Guarani Indians all over Latin America are impoverished and a lack of leadership.

3. Asian Presence in Latin America

3.1. Mexico: Asian influx into mexico was met with resistance, much like the community in Tepitos, Mexico.

3.2. Rest of Latin America: Asians were both imported for labor and traveled as immigrants, but their efforts to partake in Latin American economies were also met with resistance.

3.2.1. Restrictive immigration policies were put in place and some Asians were even expulsed.

4. European presence in Latin America

4.1. Europeans have taken free reign over Latin America. They have colonized, enslaved, and exploited indigenous, African, and Asian people.

4.2. The US gains control of Latin America by privatizing land