Teens and Social Media

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Teens and Social Media par Mind Map: Teens and Social Media

1. Social Media

1.1. Teens are using social networking as a vital source of interaction outside of school.

1.2. Teens are using social media as a direct line for posting digital images/videos and using this to tool receive feedback.

2. Gender Differences

2.1. Teen boys are more likely to upload photos, videos, and other information.

2.2. Teen girls are more likely to create and participate in online blogging.

3. Content Creators

3.1. An astonishing 93% of teenagers are online users and among that group, two-thirds are considered content creators.

3.2. Content creators include teens who create and/or work on blogs, webpages, and who virtually share their original content (videos, photos, artwork).

4. Communication

4.1. Although the digital world is vital to teens, they still remain faithful to landline communication outside of school.

4.2. Teens do not find email a useful means of communicating compared to alternative social media sites.

5. Online Activities

5.1. The vast majority of online teens participate in social networking sites, online gaming, and video sharing webpages.

5.2. Although teens use internet resources for social media purposes, still a growing number actively gather useful information via researching online.