impact of the web in our lives.

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impact of the web in our lives. par Mind Map: impact of the web in our lives.

1. shopping

1.1. you can buy anything when ever you want

1.2. now the modern shopping is online

1.3. amazon is the biggest store in the world, whit the biggest variety and is online.

2. banking

2.1. you don't have to go to the bank to put your money.

2.2. transactions are more easier now that you don't have to go and make does big lines.

2.3. to take money out of your account, you don't need to go to the bank, just go to your nearest ATMA and take your money.

3. dating

3.1. knowing new people is easier now that there are no distance frontiers by internet.

3.2. there are special web pages or apps that make easier the knowing of people and their interests as tinder.

3.3. social networks are the most important inventions of internet.

4. education

4.1. internet facilitates the information

4.2. has the biggest encyclopedia of the history (wikipedia).

4.3. the information accessible for everybody.