How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redcat Family?

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How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redcat Family? par Mind Map: How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redcat Family?

1. show them around the campus

2. give them a tour of their classes

3. introduce them to some students

4. make a booklet for the new students

5. make a video showing them everything and giving them advise for the school year

6. tell them about all the electives that are available

7. explain what the pbis FAMILY acronym is

8. talk about what our school is about and what is going on

9. help them get involved

10. descirbe school clubs and activities

11. describe school sports

12. rally for freshman

13. have link crew help them