Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices par Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Output is what you see once the information has been inputted an processed. A monitor or a screen would be an exampled of output. Another example would be a printer. Students can show off their final product without having to write it out would be one benefit and classroom application.

2. Software are the programs that computer the command and process the information. For example Microsoft word is software students can type a paper with. You normally have to download it or use a disc to put the program in the computer if it not installed already. Software that is difficult to use (like Excel for me) can be a challenge. Software that is user friendly can be a benefit as an extra tool for more in-depth learning.

3. Hardware- physical components of computer that can be touched. Mouse, keyboard, monitor, hard drive, and ram are all examples of hardware. A challenge could be using a mouse that is difficult to use like a ball mouse. Some students may not be able to utilize it. Not having enough memory could be a challenge, but being able to add more memory to a computer can be a benefit. Another benefit could be the ability to do more research with a computer for an assignment. In the classroom students would be using mainly the mouse, keyboard, and monitor as they do not touch the ram or components inside the computer most of the time.

4. Input sends the instructions to the software to be processed. For example a keyboard sends the commands to program that is to perform that task. Challenges can be students learning to type and be able to do it fast enough to make the technology a benefit. Benefits can be the ability to type papers, make online searches for research, and for children who can not speak a tool to communicate. In the classroom the mouse and keyboard will assist in assignments being put on the computer or completed on the computer.