Topics for outline Brainstorm

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Topics for outline Brainstorm par Mind Map: Topics for outline Brainstorm

1. Youth Culture

1.1. Teenage pregnancy

1.2. Drugs

1.3. Alcohol

1.4. Abortion

1.5. Parenting

1.6. Responsibility

1.7. Party

1.8. sex

1.9. Education

1.10. TRAMP

1.11. bullying

2. Sports

2.1. Your Sports Idol

2.2. Money in sports

2.3. American vs. Danish sports system

2.4. A specific sport

2.5. Teamgym

2.6. Food

2.7. Health

2.8. Active children

2.9. Scholarship

3. South Africa

3.1. 1. Truth and Reconciliation Commission 2. Sharpeville massacre 3. Frederik Willem de Klerk 4. Steve Biko

3.2. Slavery

3.3. Nelson Mandela

3.4. Violence

3.5. Gandhi

3.6. Krûger national park

3.7. Wildlife

4. Guns and Violence

4.1. - specific events fx Sandy Hook - Specific perpetrators - The NRA - The 2nd amendment - Gang violence - The wild west - The weapon industry - Samuel Colt - "The Carry and conceal law" - Australian gun legislation

4.2. Money

4.3. school shootings