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creativity par Mind Map: creativity

1. innovation

1.1. disruptive

1.2. rodical

1.3. incrimental

2. knowledge storage

2.1. cognitive

2.1.1. process

2.1.2. behaviour

2.1.3. pattern

2.1.4. control thought

3. time management

3.1. computer

3.2. New node

4. blocks

4.1. organisational blocks

4.2. personal blocks

4.3. mindset

5. information processing

5.1. long term memory

5.2. short term memory

5.3. sensory memory

5.4. external stimulus

5.5. response

6. problem solving

6.1. objective finding

6.2. fact finding

6.3. problem finding

6.4. idea finding

6.5. solution finding

6.6. acceptance finding

7. evaluation

7.1. major consideration

7.2. essential factors

7.3. fall-back position

7.4. testability

7.5. risk

7.6. final decision

8. implementing ideas

8.1. change

8.2. communication

8.3. practice

8.4. analysis

8.5. selling

9. learning theories

9.1. sensory stimulation

9.2. reinforcement

9.3. holistic

9.4. facilitation

9.5. experiential

9.6. action

9.7. adult

10. six thinking hats

10.1. different thinking style

11. lateral thinking

11.1. awareness

11.2. alternative

11.3. provocative

11.4. brainstorming

11.4.1. random input

11.4.2. reframing

11.4.3. professions approach

11.4.4. provocation

11.4.5. SCAMPER system

12. morphological

12.1. checklist

12.2. attribute listing

12.3. morphological analysis

12.4. force fitting triggers

12.5. Heuristic ideation technique

12.6. component detailing

12.7. sequence-attribute

12.8. modification matrix

13. taking risk

13.1. confident

13.2. skill

14. Characteristics

14.1. social

14.2. confident

14.3. leadership

14.4. creative

14.5. adaptable

14.6. adventurous

14.7. logical

15. whole brain model

15.1. left brain

15.1.1. logic

15.1.2. sequential

15.1.3. incremental

15.1.4. reality

15.1.5. attention to detail

15.2. right brain

15.2.1. intuitive

15.2.2. random

15.2.3. holistic

15.2.4. fantasy

15.2.5. thin outside the square