19th c Nationalism & Revolutions

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19th c Nationalism & Revolutions par Mind Map: 19th c Nationalism & Revolutions

1. German Unification

1.1. January 18th 1871

1.2. Roads and roadways

1.3. Napoleon Bonaparte

2. Nationalism

2.1. Heavily influenced by Romanticism

2.2. Congress of Vienna

2.3. Bulgaria becomes independent

3. Socialism

3.1. Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

3.2. Robert Owen

3.3. Bible verses inspired it

4. Romanticism

4.1. Mary Shelley

4.2. Nathaniel Hawthorne

4.3. WIlliam Blake

5. Italian Unification

5.1. Mazzini

5.2. Cavour

5.3. Garibaldi

6. realism

6.1. Weber

6.2. Mahan

6.3. La Comédie humaine

7. conservatism

7.1. Great Britain

7.2. Liberal Conservatism

7.3. phrase started in 1818

8. Early revolts of the 19th century

8.1. First Serbian Uprising

8.2. Irish Rebellion of 1803

8.3. Haitian Revolution

9. Liberalism

9.1. Weber

9.2. Dewey

9.3. Croce

10. 19th Century Science

10.1. Horn gramophone invented

10.2. Gas lighting patented

10.3. Stethoscope invented