Evaluation question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

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Evaluation question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks? par Mind Map: Evaluation question 2:  How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

1. The poster for our band is portrayed differently than the digipak and the video itself. For the poster, I used a predominantly plain colour scheme, focusing instead on the patterns and the text to make it seem more realistic for a promotional poster for a tour. The primary reason for varying the style of the poster compared to the digipak and the poster is because the digipak and video were specific to one song. Whereas the poster is promotional for the band in general and not one specific song.

2. Because the poster uses differently schemes etc. to the video and digipak, it can be argued that the band is being portrayed differently. The band is and Indie rock band and is demonstrated via an 'alternative' colours and fonts on the digipak. Similarly, this can also be interpreted that the black and white colour scheme represents a subtle rock band, which could also interpreted as a stereotypical indie rock style. Both ideologies I feel works for our band and the genre in general, which I think adds to the general appeal and purpose of the poster.

3. I attempted to follow a consistent house style across the 2 ancillary tasks, of which followed the final video's narrative, concepts and colour schemes. Hence, I used edited screen shots from the final video to make up panels of the digipak. I did this so that the target audience feels a sense of familiarity when picking up the digipak after seeing the video. I also chose to do this because the video featured stereotypical features of am indie rock band/video, hence I wanted to carry this over to the digipak.

4. It was important that the band name was obvious across the music video and both ancillary tasks, as it reinforces the concept of Star image, as introduced by Andrew Goodwin. He stated specifically the star image adds to the appeal of a music video because the way the star is portrayed reflects how a video is portrayed and received. In all 3 examples, the band name 'Kings of Convenience' is obvious, using a bolder, bigger font compared to the rest of the text, so that the audience are led to it naturally.