Life As We Knew It

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Life As We Knew It par Mind Map: Life As We Knew It

1. I, personally recommend this book to any reader who likes dramatic, mysterious books. It's an interesting read, and I'd say this book would -for me- be a 4/5 star rating. This is because It was a slow book for me and I felt like it took a very long time to get to it's point.

2. The characters in this book are developed through the conflicts they encounter, such as struggling to survive all the natural disasters taking place caused by the fortuitous event of the moons misplacement plus all the chaos they go through. Because it shows them becoming closer even through the rough times they go through .

3. The setting takes place mostly in their home. Basically were they avoid the chaos. In their home they become closer as a family thanks to everything they have done and been through toether.

4. A possible theme for this book is to keep believing that you'll be just fine and everything will alright and example from this book would be when Miranda and her family start to realize that everywhere has got it bad, and that death is everywhere. But they still manage to stay positive and assure themselves that they make it through the tough times.

5. This book is about a girl protagonist-Miranda- who struggles to keep her and her family alive when the moon is knocked out of it's orbit due to a falling meteor, causing lots of conflict everywhere. Including stores world wide. Nobody can evade the affect of this natural disaster.