Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

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Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter par Mind Map: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

1. Ravenclaw

1.1. House

2. Battle of Hogwarts

2.1. Fought

3. malfoy manor

3.1. was inprisoned

4. Vasilisa Dragomir from Vampire Academy

4.1. a little bit crazy

4.2. no one understands them

5. Clary Fray from City of Bones

5.1. both lost their mothers

5.2. fought for their friends and family

6. Brenda from The Scorch Trials

6.1. both would help their friends

7. Harry Potter

7.1. Friend

8. Ginny Weasley

8.1. friend

9. Princess Eadlyn from The Heir

9.1. both feel like no one understands them

9.2. doesn't understand the people around her

10. Mary from The Forest of Hands and Teeth

10.1. Both had people who would protect them