Makers & Learners A New Generation of Product Innovators

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Makers & Learners A New Generation of Product Innovators par Mind Map: Makers & Learners A New Generation of Product Innovators

1. Development

1.1. Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute

1.2. Design and Engineering

1.3. Cirkits

1.4. Researchers (IPD)

1.5. Electronics kit complete

1.5.1. Plastic sewing needles

1.5.2. Batteries

1.5.3. Sewable LEDs

1.5.4. Motors and tiny microcontrollers

1.6. Hand-Eye

2. An Innovative Sphere of Influence

2.1. Interdisciplinary environment

2.2. MIT

2.3. Media Lab

2.4. Kafai

2.4.1. Professor in Learning Sciences at Penn’s

2.4.2. Graduate School of Education

2.5. LilyPad Arduino

2.6. STEM

3. The Business of Playing and Learning

3.1. Market

3.2. Company

3.3. Designing a Key Role

3.4. Product Performance

3.5. Caputo

3.6. January

3.7. Kickstarter Staff Pick

4. Combining Educational Forces

4.1. Team within the Program (IPD)

4.2. Penn Engineering

4.3. The Wharton School

4.4. Mark Yim

4.5. Real-World

4.6. Sarah Rottenberg

4.6.1. Lecturer and associate

4.6.2. Director of IPD

5. Multitasking Entrepreneurship

5.1. Product similar to Cirkits

5.2. Fabrication Processes

5.3. People

5.4. Types of Processes

5.5. Children