Events leading up to world war 1

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Events leading up to world war 1 par Mind Map: Events leading up to world war 1

1. Guarantee of Belgium Neutrality – This document guaranteed that France, Russia, Prussia, Austria and Great Britain would recognize Belgium as an independent and neutral country 19 Apr 1839

2. World war 1 begins July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918

3. The Triple Alliance- this secret agreement was established between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy to state that the three countries would come to each other’s aid if attacked. 20 Mar 1882

4. The German Empire is created out of Prussia. Kaiser Wilhelm I takes the throne. 18 Jan 1871

5. Austro-Serbian Alliance – Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia because they wanted to soothe tensions of the Slavic peoples 28 Jun 1881

6. Austro-Serbian Alliance – Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia because they wanted to soothe tensions of the Slavic peoples 28 Jun 1881

7. Jun 15th, 1888 Wilhelm II becomes Emperor of Germany – This gave Germany the Kaiser that would initiate their involvement in World War One.

8. Jan 1st, 1889 - 1913, The Anglo-German Naval Race – The English and the Germans start to focus on strengthening their naval fleets.

9. Aug 31st, 1907 The Anglo-Russian Agreement.- Great Britain and Russia agreed to leave Persia alone as a neutral country.

10. Aug 31st, 1907 he Triple Entente – Russia joined Britain and France from the Entente Cordiale to form the Triple Entente in fear of Germany’s rising power. The Anglo-Russian entente lead to this.

11. Nov 1st, 1912 Anglo-French Naval Agreement- An agreement that promised Britain’s protection of French coastlines from German attack. The French agreed to protect the Suez Canal in return.

12. Jun 28th, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian activist. Most people state that this is what started World War I.

13. Oct 8th, 1912 - 30 May 1913, The First Balkan War.- A war between Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro. Turkey lost and lost all of its European ‘possessions’.