Determinant variables

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Determinant variables par Mind Map: Determinant variables

1. Struggles to make friends

2. Partakes in 30 minutes of exercise every day

3. Takes 1h20m to get to and from work

4. Is stressed due to the high rate of unemployment in their community

5. Dislikes everything about exercise

6. Friendship group doesn't drink alcohol

7. Dropped out of school in year 10

8. Their mother and grand-mother have both had breast cancer in their 40's

9. Family has fully supported their recent decision to come out as gay

10. Nearest health service is 45km away

11. The whole family has dietary issues and many of their siblings are overweight

12. Lives in sunshine

13. Owns a house in brighton

14. Supported wholeheartedly by his family of 2 parents and one sister

15. Grew up with type 1 diabetes

16. Has dabbled in recreational drug use in the past year

17. Eats KFC 3-4 times a week

18. Their father has offered them a job at  the local cafeteria

19. Local council has increased youth employment rate by 14% in the last year

20. Best friends keep encouraging them to apply for university