Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad By Jan Heller Levi

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Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad By Jan Heller Levi par Mind Map: Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad By Jan Heller Levi

1. Images

2. Meaning

2.1. Surface Meaning -

2.1.1. I think the Surface meaning is about a daughter talking about her Father

2.2. Depper Meaning -

2.2.1. I think the Deeper meaning of this story though is about a girl who is putting herself in her dads shoes and is picturing it through that way .

3. Evidence

3.1. Structure

3.1.1. I think the poem is structured very well as the author only talks about the positive things the daughter sees in her father.

3.2. Sound

3.2.1. I think this poem shows sound because the way its described u can hear it like the surroundings of the poem

3.3. Word Choice

3.3.1. I think the author used this word choice to make the reader see how the Girl Describes her father in her opinion.

4. Personal Connection to the theme

4.1. I think i can connect to the story because she talks about the simple things she can see her dad doing and how she judges the way her father does it i can connect to this because sometimes i judge my father or see the things he does in his life.