Cyber Bullying

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Cyber Bullying par Mind Map: Cyber Bullying

1. Definition

1.1. "Harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices”

2. Risks

2.1. Emotional distress

2.2. Delinquency and violence

2.3. Substance abuse

2.4. Interference with school work

2.5. Suicide

2.6. Low self esteem

3. Ask for Help

3.1. report it.

3.2. Authorities

3.3. Parents

4. Strategies to be Safe

4.1. never give out personal information

4.2. Avoid opening messages from someone you don't know

4.3. Installing online security software

5. Psychological Impact

5.1. feeling unsafe and isolated

5.2. perceptions of being unsupported

5.3. conduct disorders

5.4. alcohol and drug misuse