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Cyber Bullying par Mind Map: Cyber Bullying

1. How to ask for help

1.1. -Save the evidence                                 -Avoid all type of communication with the bully                                                 -Report any type of harm, to the authorities and to a grown up

2. Psychological impact on victims

2.1. -Hurt feelings -Sadness -Anxiety -Depression or other more           -serious mental health problems -Anger -Shame -Fear -Frustration -Low self esteem -Inability to trust in others

3. Risks

3.1. -seclusion                                     -avoidance of social relationships -Poor academic performance -Bullying others                        -Suicide.

4. Strategies to be safe

4.1. -Avoid sharing personal information to unknowns                                               -Dont share photos of yourself              -Dont give to anyone your passwords  -Just talk with people you know            -And do not open anything from an unknown

5. Definition

5.1. Cyber bullying is just as the normal bullying but n this case the harassment is trought electronic devices and via the internet.