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IntellectEU par Mind Map: IntellectEU

1. World coverage

1.1. Offices in Belgium, USA, Ukraine and Portugal

1.2. Projects in 20+ countries within North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East

2. Compensations

2.1. Sports (300 UAH per month)

2.2. Languages (300 UAH per month)

2.3. Insurance (50 %)

3. Social activities

3.1. LinkedIn

3.2. DOU

3.3. Facebook

4. Time off

4.1. Working from home

4.2. 20 working days of vacation

4.3. 10 working days of sick leaves

5. Partners

5.1. IVOX


5.3. SWIFT Service Partner

6. Benefits

6.1. Playzone

6.2. Tea/coffee

6.3. Cookies

7. Events

7.1. Ping Pong Championship

7.2. Birthdays of the month

7.3. Employee of the season

7.4. Corporate events