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1. advice for people who suffer from this problem

2. telling what is happen to your parents or to a responsable person(to an adult) this is the best solution for me because is the more pacific one and you have less possibilities to get damage.

3. taking a video of you whit out clothes and publishing it whit out your permission, being aggressive or violent whit you through chats, taking your private information and things like that.

4. 1 tell it fast to some one because if you do it like this you can not be damage 2 doesn't pay in attention to them and all those things

5. Ways of committing cyber-bullying

6. consequences of cyber-bullying

7. strategies to stop cyber-bullying

8. some people when have pass through this problem a lot of time can be affected no only physically, mentality too. so there is people that have suicide or killed because this problem and in some cases this pass but that problem its so stupid (sorry because this word) like because you are a so small person and your friends are bigger than you.