The Future of Forecasting Business Forecasting & Analytics Forum Boston June 14-15 2016

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The Future of Forecasting Business Forecasting & Analytics Forum Boston June 14-15 2016 par Mind Map: The Future of Forecasting Business Forecasting & Analytics Forum Boston June 14-15 2016

1. Topics to Watch

2. Reading List

3. Action Priorities

4. Trends to Share

5. Quantriix Moddeler - muiltidimensional modeling sosftware (budgeting, forecasting, etc.)

6. Get out of your chair and go talk to people - sitting in your office won't answer your questions, renewing relationships with facetime instead of technology.

7. Behavioral alignment and technical ability - comparing technology platforms doesn't necessarily help reorganize collaborative teams - do we need a chief data officer? Do we need to centralize data responsibility?

8. Shifting the view of the data people from a "vendor" to that of an "advisor"

9. Letting the system do its job, removing the overrides because you are not smarter than the system.

10. Focus on defining the data management value and opportunity, so you don't miss it.

11. Celtics example - bringing all the different data sources together to take application data to a more valuable level.

12. The annual budget process is totally useless and a giant lie (Juan) so the more you can move to a "rolling" forecast will benefit the org if you can overcome the cultural hurdles.

13. Trying to implement the rolling forecast to overcome the annual or long-term forecasting process. Get the buy-in from the forecasting team first, so they can eventually get rid of annual.

14. Comforting to know that we all share the same struggles and challenges.

15. Be the Provocateur - asking the questions nobody else wants to ask and taking risks to look at something other than just the positive trends.

16. Difference between tactical demand planning and strategic demand planning will help to consolidate disparate teams into a centralized, cohesive function.  (From the S&OP talk by Tony Reese, year in the life).

17. The bigger they are the harder they fall - don't be an arrogant company or management team - embrace humility, be willing to change and adapt to the ever-changing marketplace. As change accelerates, disruption accelerates.

18. How do we get upper management attention (particularly in a declining area of the business)?

19. How do we present to upper management why we need to modernize our budgeting process?

20. Sim[plification of big data - overwhelming wihtyout the ability and tools to boil it down ito something simpler.

21. With tension between finance and IT, finance is now able to take advantage of cloud based technology to do it themselves. Unique opportunity today for CFO/FP&A to provide guidance and broker that shiftg.

22. Challenges using customer data - privcacy, or other legal restrictions on using customer data - if you can use it, it might still be less accessible than it needs to be.

23. Ed Goldfinger - budgeting process - thresholds for buddgeting - can save a lot of time/hassle using the more general numbers from management and then applying that further down the org.