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Mobile Apps par Mind Map: Mobile Apps

1. Communication

1.1. School Way

1.1.1. A faster, reliable, safe, one-way school communication tool for mobile devices.

1.2. Twitter

1.2.1. Online social networking service in which educators can use "tweets" to get information out to teachers, parents, and the community and keep them well informed.

1.3. Gmail

1.3.1. E-mail educators can use gmail to communicate and collaborate.

2. Organization

2.1. Google Drive

2.1.1. Google Drive can be implemented to store and share documents. This can be used for teachers to have access to their documents or educators can upload documents the wish to use for collaboration with other educators.

2.2. Evernote

2.2.1. Allows the user to capture information at any given time using whatever platform or device they wish and allowing that information to accessed or searchable at any time.

3. Collaboration

3.1. Google Classroom

3.1.1. Blended learning platform for teachers and students to use. Simplifies creating, distributing, and grading assignments.

3.2. Padlet

3.2.1. Gives people the freedom to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. This app would be very beneficial for educators to use.

4. Assessment

4.1. Nearpod

4.1.1. Interactive classroom tool for teachers that allows interactive lessons.

4.2. GoClass

4.2.1. Classroom app that adapts to the way individual teachers teach. It uses common mobile devices in order to work.

4.3. MyClassTalk

4.3.1. App available for iPhone and iPad. This app is for teachers to gauge and grade students by their class participation. It also allows teachers to rank students by their participation so they may see who is participating the most or least. This way they can encourage participation from those who are not participating as much as they should.

4.4. Quizlet

4.4.1. Online learning tool for students that supplies flashcards and study and game modes.