Mobile Apps Mind Map

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Mobile Apps Mind Map par Mind Map: Mobile Apps Mind Map

1. Apps for Reading

1.1. SpellingCity is a fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list.

1.1.1. Storia is a Scholastic e-reader app designed just for kids. Books are embedded with questions, learning activities, and pop-up dictionary definitions.

2. Classroom Communication

2.1. Edmodo is a social media platform that facilitates communication between teachers and students. Users can hold discussions, submit assignments, and post messages to one another. Planning and grading features are also available.

2.1.1. Remind is a great way for teachers to send text-message reminders about homework, tests, and special events to students and parents—all without students seeing your phone number, and vice versa.

3. Apps for Math

3.1. BrainPOP Jr. content is designed to cultivate critical thinking skills and encourage children to ask questions and make connections.

3.1.1. Sumdog offers fun multiplayer games for grades K-8, designed to improve math fact fluency. ABCYa-Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. For over ten years ABCya has been one of the most popular K-5 educational gaming websites in the world!

4. Apps for Writing

4.1. Story Builder is designed to help children improve paragraph formation, integration of ideas, and higher level abstractions.

4.1.1. SentenceBuilder™ is designed to help elementary aged children learn how to build grammatically correct sentences. .

5. Classroom Management

5.1. ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students.

5.1.1. Teacher Kit is a personal organizer designed for the classroom.  It offers multiple features such as seating charts, attendance records, behavior tracking, a gradebook, and more. The "Too Noisy" app pairs a colorful and fun graphic with a digital noise meter to let teachers - and students - know when the noise level has exceeded acceptable levels.