Chapter 4 & 5

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Chapter 4 & 5 par Mind Map: Chapter 4 & 5

1. Pedro Paulo

1.1. Gloria's oldest son

1.2. Gang member

1.3. Criminal

1.3.1. Employee

1.4. Imprisoned

1.5. Gloria's most intelligent child

1.6. Murdered by police

1.7. Wanted to live the good life

1.7.1. Employee

1.7.2. Employee

1.8. Easy money

2. Crime & Violence

2.1. Rio's the most unequal city globally

2.1.1. Employee

2.2. Gangs are important

2.2.1. Supply's goods

2.2.2. Offers place of belonging & identity

2.2.3. Provides form of justice

2.2.4. Beats sexual abusers & cheaters

2.2.5. Mediators

2.3. Drug trafficking

2.4. Police participation

2.5. Chiefs are important figures locally

2.6. petty crime over low-wage work

2.7. Dilmar's group was good

2.8. Loyalty

2.9. Thoughts of betrayl caused Dilmar's death

2.10. Police bandits

2.11. Revenge & personal reputation

2.12. Used death as threat

2.13. Institutional corruption

3. The Streets

3.1. Walls built for protection

3.1.1. Employee

3.1.2. Employee

3.2. Social segregation

3.2.1. Employee

3.2.2. Employee

3.3. Gang recruitment

3.3.1. Employee

3.3.2. Employee

3.4. Dangerous

3.5. Nurturing children

3.6. Impoverished children & mothers

3.7. Economic asset

3.8. Women preyed by men

3.9. State institutions breed criminals

4. Religious Matters

4.1. Religion's an aspect of life

4.1.1. Renewal of faith after one's death

4.1.2. positive effect on black self-esteem

4.1.3. 3 popular forms of Christianity

4.2. Protective shield

4.2.1. symbol of distance

4.3. Everyone's equal

4.4. Alternative to living within parallel state