Color Blind Erotic Democracies, Black Consciousness Politics, and the Black Cinderellas of Felici...

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Color Blind Erotic Democracies, Black Consciousness Politics, and the Black Cinderellas of Felicidade Eterna par Mind Map: Color Blind Erotic Democracies, Black Consciousness Politics, and the Black Cinderellas of Felicidade Eterna

1. How to get ahead

1.1. seduce the "coroas"

1.1.1. older, richer, whiter men

1.1.2. age and wealth or class

1.1.3. based on gendered and radicalized values of attractiveness

2. Interracial Relationships

2.1. Fausto and Eliana

2.2. Color as indicative of class relations

3. Race

3.1. North American culture surrounding race

3.2. Brazilian culture surrounding race

3.2.1. "multiple mode"

3.2.2. race as multiple categories

3.2.3. "color-blind" sexuality?

3.3. Race-based affirmative action

3.4. Commodifying black female bodies

3.5. Silence as cultural censorship

3.6. jokes, innuendos, and stories as hidden discourse

4. Blackness

4.1. dirtiness

4.2. slavery

4.3. ugliness

5. Ana Flavia (Black Cinderella)

5.1. physical abuse

5.2. governor's daughter

5.3. systematic relation between class and race in Brazil

6. Coroa's money

6.1. a polysemic symbol embodying a culture of wealth

6.2. upper-class norms of behavior and education

7. Commodifications of Black Bodies

7.1. mulata seductress

7.1.1. tropical, sensual untamed, brazilian

7.1.2. beautiful and dangerous

7.2. black sexuality

7.2.1. other, erotic, yet pathological

7.2.2. 4 imgaes the mammy the matriarch the welfare mother the jezebel

7.3. the muleta as an Exotic Other

7.3.1. "Brazilian babes" in pornogrpahy

7.3.2. justification for sexual violence

8. "Whitening Ideal"

8.1. racial purification

8.2. whiten the population

8.3. homogeneity

9. Racial Democracy

9.1. "Brazil is different"

9.2. master-slave sexuality

9.3. interracial sex distorts popular and elite perceptions

10. Mulatto

10.1. pitied

10.2. stereotyped as illegitimate offspring of black slave and white master

11. Brazilian Miscegenation

11.1. domination

11.2. coercion

11.3. rape

12. Two Kisses

12.1. a culture that attempts to whiten

12.2. internalized oppression

12.3. institutions!