State Terror, Gangs, and Everyday Violence in Rio de Janeiro

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State Terror, Gangs, and Everyday Violence in Rio de Janeiro par Mind Map: State Terror, Gangs, and Everyday Violence in Rio de Janeiro

1. Rio de Janiero

1.1. crime and violence

1.1.1. domestic violence

1.1.2. naturalized racism

1.1.3. class inequities

1.2. violent deaths

1.3. city of extremes

1.4. class and racial antagonism

1.5. quintessential Brazil

1.6. one of the most unequal cities in the world

1.7. elegant apartment buildings

1.8. elitist liberalism

1.8.1. not merely conspiracy of middle/upper class against poor

1.8.2. inclusive liberalism

2. Gangs

2.1. general notion--> local power brokers

2.2. local-level protection?

2.3. mediated relations with local police

2.4. keeps other gangs form invading

2.5. elite drug consumption

2.5.1. gangs as fueled by international drug trade

2.6. distinct awareness of inequities of wage system

3. Police

3.1. injustice of the system

3.2. cyclical process

3.3. gangs provide legal and moral justification for government's use of excessive force

3.4. BRAGA

3.4.1. touch yet respectable???

3.5. "police-bandits"

3.5.1. inescapability of violence

3.5.2. violence of gangs

3.5.3. normalized and routine police corruption

3.5.4. revenge and personal reputation

4. Poor as Criminals

4.1. the poor's internalization of their own criminalization

4.2. "dangerousness of the poor"

4.3. naturally "guilty of criminal needs"

4.4. enables a government to turn ints military against its own citizens

4.5. the poor SUBMIT to their own subjugation!

5. Oppositional Culture

5.1. represented by gangs

5.1.1. response to economic oppression

5.2. religious conversion in context of urban violence

5.2.1. by women

5.2.2. lowest income neighborhoods

5.2.3. ward off effects of of everyday violence

5.2.4. resists oppositional male culture

5.2.5. resists gang membership and participation in urban violence