90 Day Challenge (NEW)

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90 Day Challenge (NEW) par Mind Map: 90 Day Challenge (NEW)

1. Checkin

1.1. How do you feel today?

1.1.1. Get a message based on how you feel

1.2. Urge to act out (high/medium/low)

1.2.1. Do something similar to "trigger" features if the urge is high

1.3. Did you you act out since your last checking?

1.3.1. Yes Intercom message Try something different Recommit to 90 day challenge

1.3.2. No Show Chizuk

2. Dashboard

2.1. Current days clean

2.2. Progress

2.2.1. "Sobriety Ratio" (percentage clean days since you started) How many days acted out Total days clean

2.2.2. How many days till next level

2.3. Checkin Ratio

3. Achievements

3.1. "Accept" achievements feature

3.2. List of additional achievements waiting to be unlcocked

4. Extra Features

4.1. Forum

4.2. Therapist List

4.3. Resources

4.4. Victory Board

4.5. Send Chizuk

4.6. Chizuk Emails

5. Setup

5.1. Registration

5.2. Quiz/Questionaire

5.2.1. Recommendations Either automatic Or we manually review the quiz and talk to him.

5.3. What date did you start?

6. I'm triggered

6.1. Write a message to the group (like Rtribe)

6.1.1. The form will have a default message which you can customize.

6.1.2. Needs more thought How do people to find out?

6.1.3. Does it go to everyone? Or only people in a subgroup? Maybe only people who had more days than you? How does everyone find out about it?

6.2. We give you a choice of tips to selection

6.2.1. ... and then have a countdown timer - we wait until you finish. "The average trigger lasts 7.5 minutes, do __ for 7.5 minutes".

6.3. We can show you a chizuk message

6.3.1. and maybe a message that the user wrote himself about why he wants to stop.