1 Million Likes

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1 Million Likes par Mind Map: 1 Million Likes

1. Equipment

1.1. Projector

1.2. Speakers

1.3. Lighting

1.4. Laptop

1.5. KeyNote/Powerpoint

1.6. Graphs and Stats

1.7. These will be helpful in conveying my pitch properly. Its will give them a audio and visual feel of what I'm saying.

2. Difficulties

2.1. Laptop Crashes

2.2. Video Fails

2.3. Audio fails

2.4. Nerves

2.5. I don't think i will encounter bias

2.6. The hardest part for me will be the delivery. I don't have that much of a hard time talking but new faces make me nervous.

3. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

3.1. Marketing Team

3.1.1. Identify The problem Team Record Social Media Traffic Past Promotions Present Stats and analytics Ticket and Merchandise Sales Numbers

3.1.2. What can We do to Fix it Increase social media footprint Reach the casual fan Innovative ways to promote

3.1.3. How to implement plan Identify target Daily Social Media Traffic New Social media drawing very week Email Updates

4. What I Want to Accomplished

4.1. Build on old way to reach the fan base

4.2. Develop new ways to market the team

4.3. Build a campaign fans will remember

5. Why I Picked this Profession

5.1. I've always been in love with sports and competition

5.2. I want to touch different kinds of people.

5.3. I want to be apart of how a team is perceived by the public.

5.4. Many people connect with sports

6. S.T.A.R.

6.1. Question

6.2. Catch Phrase

6.3. Video

7. Skills Aquired

7.1. Ability to create, distribute, and market material

7.2. How to connect to different demographics

7.3. United States Marine "Leadership"

7.4. Problem solving

7.5. Writing Skills