The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the heath implications ...

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The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the heath implications for humans. With the world becoming rapidly overpopulated, is it possible for human kind to be choosey on food related matters if it is to feed its citizens? par Mind Map: The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the heath implications for humans. With the world becoming rapidly overpopulated, is it possible for human kind to be choosey on food related matters if it is to feed its citizens?

1. Discuss studies that show positive evidence that genetically modified crops have given health implications. List any Implications

2. Compare studies between organically  grown crops and genetically modified crops. comparing the nutrition they provide

2.1. Long term effects of consuming GMC

3. Discus any ecological risk  that producing this crops may effect

3.1. Biodiversity in danger, Upsetting the planets natural balance. Discus the negitives of engineered organisums

4. Increase of insecticide and herbicide use. Discus studies that show what happens when plants are engineered to resist these insecticides and having to use more of the chemicals on our crops, which relates back to our enviroment becoming a lot more poluted.

5. would this fight world hunger? Discus studies on weather genetically modifying crops would help cure this?

6. Identify which argument has more support

6.1. The Negative aspect of GMC

6.2. The positive aspects of having GMC being able to feed growing population