basic emergency care

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basic emergency care par Mind Map: basic emergency care

1. Purpose

1.1. the help participants deliver basic emergency care in an emergency nipper engagement and retention parent engagement

2. Duration

2.1. 2 or 3 Nipper sessions?

3. assessment overview

4. U13

5. certificate only no unit of competency

6. delivery and assessment staff

6.1. Training Officer Advanced First Aid or Training Officer Bronze Medallion

6.2. assessment criteria?

7. outcomes

7.1.  Respond to an emergency situation

7.2.  Respond to signs of an unconscious casualty

7.3.  Perform CPR

7.4.  Communicate details of the incident

7.5. simple, effective management or care given to a casualty of injury or sudden illness, until more advanced care can be provided”

8. prerequisites

8.1. financial member

8.2. 10 years old by assessment date

9. surfguard assessment requirements

9.1. assessment request attendance records form 14

10. Surf Ed Topics to be covered

10.1. The Human Body, Lesson: Skin and bones

10.2. First Aid, Lesson: A helping hand

10.3. Resuscitation, Lesson: Giving hope