Higher education of prisoners

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Higher education of prisoners par Mind Map: Higher education of prisoners

1. Education

1.1. What programmes are currently already being offered?

2. Benefits

2.1. Employment

2.1.1. How likely are they to be employed after jail, both with or without tertiary education? Stigma Lack of skills Benefits for employing ex-convicts?

2.2. How much less likely will they be to re-commit crimes if educated?

2.3. Gives them something productive to do in jail

2.3.1. Benefits over having a job while incarcerated?

2.4. Higher skills upon release

2.4.1. Give the prisoners more opportunities

2.4.2. Less likely to be

3. Funding

3.1. How much funding are they already receiving?

3.2. How would the government raise further funds?

3.2.1. Should the prisoners pay for their degrees instead? Social conditions Poor Rich

3.3. Current costs of imprisonment per inmate

4. Disadvantages

4.1. Should we be spending the money on convicted criminals?

4.1.1. 'Luxury' expense