Different Classroom Environments

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Different Classroom Environments par Mind Map: Different Classroom Environments


1.1. access for all

1.2. student motivation

2. Online Learning

2.1. knowledge at fingertips

2.2. classmate collaboration

2.3. worldwide connection

3. Tablet computing

3.1. students videos

3.2. apps

3.3. reading technology

4. One to One

4.1. all students have access

4.2. students working at different paces

5. Projector

5.1. books, assignments, and rubics on screen

5.1.1. student engagement

6. Desktop computer

6.1. Music while working

6.1.1. student engagement

6.2. access to collaboration

6.3. Contact with parents

6.4. Create

6.5. virtual lesson

6.6. assessment

7. Cloud Computing

7.1. virtual access everywhere

7.2. more storage

7.3. collaboration

7.4. google drive for assingments

8. Flipped classroom

8.1. students learn content

8.2. teachers faciliate

8.3. students responsibility