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Tuna Netra par Mind Map: Tuna Netra

1. Strong

2. Joyful


3.1. “I wish people could understand how frustrating it is when you are losing your sight, but what we have to do is find ways to ADAPT, and this MAKES IT EASIER. We are not to be put out to pasture yet because there are still things we can do.” — Evelyn Jeanette Morton Bishop

3.1.1. Unique

3.2. “It’s important that people understand the fear that comes with losing your eyesight. When your world starts to go dark, you really need KINDNESS to keep you going.” — Sarah Elizabeth Baggett-Poole

3.3. Need Help

4. Literatur

4.1. The Mighty


5. Film

5.1. Pendek

5.2. Feature

5.3. Dokumenter

5.4. Advertorial

5.5. Webseries

6. Komunitas/LSM

6.1. Bandung

6.2. Luar Bandung

7. Event

7.1. Activation

7.2. World Sight Day (Minggu ke-2 Oktober)

8. Lembaga Pendidikan

8.1. Indonesia

8.1.1. Syamsi Dhuha Foundation

8.2. Luar Negeri

8.2.1. Perkins - School for the Blind