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Text par Mind Map: Text

1. Font and Typeface

1.1. Typeface - family of graphic characters, often with many    type sizes and styles - example: Bookman Old Style

1.2. Font - collection of characters of a single size and    style belonging to particular typeface family - example: Arial 18 point Bold

1.3. Font Style - Boldface - Italic - Underlining - Outlining

1.4. Font Terminology - Baseline - Cap height - x-height - Ascenders/ descenders - Kerning - Tracking

1.5. Cases - capitalized letter = uppercase - small letter = lowercase - place uppercase in the middle of a word = CamelCase

2. Text Elements used in Multimedia

2.1. Menus for navigation - user navigator through content using menu

2.2. Interactive Buttons - clickable object that executes a command    when activated

2.3. Symbols and icons - used to convert meaningful messages

2.4. Fields for reading - can be printed in one or two orientations

2.5. HTML documents - standard markup language used to create    web page

3. Bitmap vs. Vector

3.1. Bitmaps font - File size increase as more size added - Require a lot of memory - Non- scalable

3.2. Vectors font - File size is much smaller than bitmaps - TrueType, OpenType and PostScript are    vector font formats

4. Character Sets

4.1. Extended character set ( ISO Latin-1)

4.2. Unicode

4.3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII )

5. Font Editing and Design Tools

5.1. Fontographer - specialized graphics editors - compatible with both Macintosh and    Microsoft Windows platforms - can used to develop PostScript, TrueType,    and OpeType fonts - can modify existing typefaces and    incorporate PostScript artwork

6. Hypertext vs. Hypermedia

6.1. Hypertext - a text which contains links to other texts

6.2. Hypermedia - not constrained to be text-based

6.3. Hypermedia Structure - links - nodes - anchors