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Environment par Mind Map: Environment

1. Deforestation

1.1. Deforestation or logging is usually caused by human process , in which the forest area is destroyed.

1.1.1. excessive logging to extract timber

1.1.2. Fires

1.1.3. Construction of more urban and rural areas

1.1.4. Pests and diseases of trees .


2.1. Marine pollution refers to introduction of substances which harm living resources

2.1.1. Produced by discharges industries made

2.1.2. treatments with herbicides and chemical fertilizers

2.1.3. remains of toxic and carcinogenic detergents

2.1.4. remains of toxic and carcinogenic insecticides


3.1. It is the process by which a natural habitat is transformed into a habitat unable to keep native species thereof.

3.1.1. Indiscriminate felling

3.1.2. Land use change , urbanization

3.1.3. Irrational and unsustainable exploitation of resources

3.1.4. Expansion of the agricultural area

4. Soil pollution

4.1. Accumulation of such substances at levels that adversely affect the behavior of soils

4.1.1. toxic substances under the ground

4.1.2. Accumulation of waste

4.1.3. radioactive leaks

4.1.4. Spills or accidental leaks

5. Pollution environmental

5.1. Introduction of pollutants into the natural environment that caused an adverse change in this.

5.1.1. Road traffic

5.1.2. constructions and demolitions

5.1.3. Fossil fuels

5.1.4. Pesticides and chemicals

6. Ozone layer destruction

6.1. The main cause of the decrease of stratospheric ozone are abbreviated compounds called CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

6.1.1. The gases that spew cars

6.1.2. Chemicals and gases that spew large company.

6.1.3. Aerosol products

6.1.4. Greenhouse effect

7. Climate change

7.1. Phenomenon of increase in global average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans

7.1.1. Burning of fossil fuels

7.1.2. Logging

7.1.3. Carbon dioxide

7.1.4. volcanic activity or changes in the energy received from the Sun

8. Overfishing

8.1. Excessive fishing reduces the existence of species

8.1.1. Increasing world population

8.1.2. Economies of scale implemented by industrial fishing

8.1.3. increased purchasing power in emerging countries

8.1.4. nutritional attractive fish .